Rachel, Gaby and I went out to Ušće today. It's a blok over in New Belgrade. There is a park/field along the Sava river and there is a new shopping center, which just opened a week ago. We took the bus across the river and walked around the park for a bit, then went to the new mall. There was a Benetton/Sisley, Marks & Spencer, Sephora, Guess, Time Out (like the Serbian A&F), etc, plus lots of very, um, Euro stores. Even though it was the same as any American mall, it seemed so big and loud and crowded to us - it was very overwhelming. Malls are a new, but popular, concept here. We haven't been shopping in a while, so we just walked through in a daze.
Ok, ok, back to McDonald's. We were at the bus stop and there was a poster for McDonald's - this one.
It called to us. We needed McDee's, STAT. Luckily, the bus stop we were getting off at is near the Belgrade McD's, so we went. Like any McDonald's, it was unexplainedly and unreasonably crowded, but I managed to get some fries. I was so happy - they were just like the fries in the States!! It was like tasting America. As we were eating, Madonna's "Like a Prayer" came on... the irony was a little too much for us to handle.
"Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone / I hear you call my name / And it feels like home."
P.S. We also tried the prolećne rolnice, the spring rolls, they were really good. I hope they add them to the menu in the States. The Spicy Criss-Cross (Iks-Oks) Potatoes will be ordered at a future time.
oh McDonalds. its the epitome of everything that is American. I can't believe you made it this long without eating there!
i had one of those moments today in Madrid
and it was so happy :)
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